Thursday, February 16, 2017

Master Bedroom Makeover with a side of RISK

Anyone else feel like they are just barely recovering from the craziness of Christmas and New Years and cold & flu season??

I feel like a blinked (or sneezed may be more seasonally appropriate) and looked at the calendar and it was suddenly the middle of February. How in the world did that happen?!

But, I have not been idle in that time. The one good thing about being a bit stuck indoors in that suddenly you have to clean and organize and finish the house projects that you have been meaning to get to for ages. Also, please tell me I'm not the only one who watched the documentary The Minimalists and felt the instant and profound urge to throw away all of their possessions except for two outfits, a pack of toothpicks, and a hot plate? It was my own Marie Kondo-on-crack moment, and overall I think it did me a world of good, especially since I've been needing to purge with our move.

That being said, I finally got around to making over a few rooms (all on a skinny post-Christmas budget), and I thought I'd show them off a little.

Today's room makeover? The master bedroom!

First, what the room looked like when we bought it.

 As you can see, it was a dark sage color that though not terrible (but not great either), was still definitely too dark for my white-wall-loving soul.

The first thing we did was paint the walls my favorite creamy white (Bistro White by Valspar at Lowes). After living with it for a few months, I felt the need to spice things up and I did something risky.

At least, according to my husband, it was living life on the edge. And a small part of me has to admit that I wasn't 100% sure it would turn out. But one day I decided life was too short to play it safe and I did it while he was at work. Ha! The happy ending is that he came home and loved it, and I loved it too. So what did we do that I'm being so amazingly cryptic about?

I drew "faux shiplap" on our walls using pencil. Oh yes I did.

Want to see?

Here is a close up of the lines. You can hardly tell these planks are made with just a level and a good old number 2 pencil!

I'm such a perfectionist I almost couldn't post the photo above because I didn't tie the basket ties for some reason, but oh well!

 So there you have it! A simple makeover that required just some paint, some patience, and a little bit of willingness to think outside the box. Skinny budgets do not equal skinny style in our books!

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